%0 Book %T "And they shall be one flesh": on the language of mystical union in Judaism %A Afṭerman, Adam %S Supplements to the Journal of Jewish thought and hhilosophy volume 26 %D 2016 %I Brill %C Leiden %@ 9789004328730 %G English %F 865359814 %O by Adam Afterman %O Literaturangaben %X Preliminary Material -- 1 Introduction -- 2 From Philo to Plotinus: The Emergence of Mystical Union -- 3 Unio Mystica and Ancient Jewish Mysticism -- 4 Platonic and Aristotelian Traditions of Union -- 5 “As Light Unites with Light”: The Language of Union in Jewish Neoplatonism -- 6 The Language of Union in the Writings of Moses Maimonides and Moses Nachmanides -- 7 Mystical Union in Early Kabbalah -- 8 Mystical Union in the Ecstatic Kabbalah of Abraham Abulafia -- 9 Language and Images of Mystical Union in the Kabbalah of R. Isaac of Acre -- 10 “Single Unification, Single Bond”: The Language of Union and Unity in the Zohar -- 11 From Kabbalah to the Renaissance and Hasidism: A Brief Overview -- 12 Concluding Remarks -- Primary Sources -- Bibliography -- Index of Names and Subjects -- Index of Primary Sources. %L 15.96 %K Mysticism %K Judaism %K Influence %K Cabala %K Mystical union %9 Text %R 10.1163/9789004328730 %U http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/books/9789004328730 %U http://www.brill.com/product_id93005 %U https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004328730