%0 Book %T treatise Taʿanit of the Babylonian Talmud: critically edited on the basis of manuscripts and old editions and provided with a translation and notes = Masekhet Taʿanit min Talmud Bavli : hughah ʿal pi kitve yad shonim ṿe-hotsaʾot ʿatiḳot ṿe-neʿetḳah li-śefat Anglit %H Malter, Henry %S The Schiff library of Jewish classics %D 1928 %I The Jewish Publication Society of America %C Philadelphia %G English %F 789673282 %O by Henry Malter, Ph.D., Professor of Rabbinical Literature at Dropsie College %O Fehler in der Paginierung %O Includes bibliographical references and index %O Hebräisch-aramäischer Text in hebräischer Schrift mit englischer Übersetzung %L 296.862.29=2 .M261 %K Talmud %K Bibel %K Babylonischer Talmud %K Exegese %9 Text