%0 Book %T When cooperation fails: the international law and politics of genetically modified foods %A Pollack, Mark A. %A Shaffer, Gregory C. %D 2009 %7 1. ed. %I Oxford Univ. Press %C Oxford [u.a.] %@ 9780199237289 %G English %F 588166189 %O Mark A. Pollack; Gregory C. Shaffer %O Includes bibliographical references and index %L 344.0957 %K Genetically modified foods %K Law and legislation %K European Union countries %K United States %K Biotechnologie %K Gesetz %K Internationale Kooperation %K Gesundheitswesen %K Umweltpolitik %K Gentechnisch veränderter Organismus %K Unterschied %K Differenz %K Misserfolg %K Völkerrecht %K Erde %K USA %9 Text