%0 Book %T Al-Fārābī's Arabic-Latin Writings on music: in the Iḥṣā' al-'ulūm (Escorial Library, Madrid, No. 646), De scientiis (British Museum, Cott. MS. Vesp. B.X., and Bibl. Nat., Paris, No. 9335), and De ortu scientiarum (Bibl. Nat., Paris, No. 6298, and Bodleian Library, Oxford, No. 3623), etc %A Fārābī, Abū-Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad al- %E Farmer, Henry George %S Collection of oriental writers of music 2 %D 1960 %7 Second edition %I Hinrichsen Edition Ltd. %C New York %G ara %F 389398756 %O Abū-'n-Naṣr Muḥammad Ibn-Muḥammad Ibn-Ṭarhān al- Fārābī ; the texts edited, with translations and commentaries by Henry George Farmer, Ph.D., M.A. (Leverhulme Research Fellow, formerly Carnegie Research Fellow. Author of ...) %O Die Vorlage enthält insgesamt 3 Werke %O Text arab., lat. u. engl. %L 9,2 %9 Text