%0 Book %T Soviet statistics since 1950 %A Pockney, Bert P. %D 1991 %I Dartmouth %C Aldershot [u.a.] %@ 1855211068 %G English %F 276881567 %O B. P. Pockney %X The USSR is one of the world's largest economies yet it is difficult to obtain clear and accurate data on its economic performance and its problems. This is partly due to the secrecy that has governed many of its actions and partly because there have been inconsistencies in collecting, collating and publishing the material which has emerged. This volume sets out to provide those interested in contemporary Soviet society with a consistent series of data over a time period from 1945 to the end of the 1980s, for a number of areas including population, industry, agriculture, education and foreign trade. While much of the data comes from official Soviet statistics, material from other sources is used to complement these when appropriate. %L 314.7/09/045 %K Wirtschaftsstruktur %K Bevölkerungsstatistik %K Statistik %K Wirtschaftsstatistik %K Sozialstatistik %K Daten %K Datenaufbereitung %K Industrie %K Arbeit %K Bevölkerung %K Energie %K Landwirtschaft %K Handel %K Statistics %K Union of Soviet Socialist Republics %K Sowjetunion %9 Text %9 Statistik-1950-1991 %9 Statistik-1950-1990