%0 Book %T Samuel Pufendorf disciple of Hobbes: for a re-interpretation of modern natural law %A Palladini, Fiammetta %H Saunders, David %S Early modern natural law: studies & sources volume 2 %D 2020 %I Brill %C Leiden %@ 9789004388611 %G English %F 1686460163 %O by Fiammetta Palladini ; translated by David Saunders ; introduction by Ian Hunter %O Includes index %O Text in English translated from Italian %X Part 1. Pufendorf the Hobbesian -- I The Theory of Obligation -- II Nature of Man and State of Nature: the Doctrine of Sociality -- Part 2. Why Did Pufendorf Pass for an Anti-Hobbesian? -- I Pufendorf's Place in the History of Ethics According to Pufendorf -- II The Role of Cumberland -- III Anti-Hobbesian Aspects of the Elementa -- IV The Barbeyrac Factor %L INTRECHT %K Natural law %9 Text %R 10.1163/9789004388611 %U https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004388611