%0 Book %T Microcontrollers in Practice %A Mitescu, Marian %S Springer Series in Advanced Microelectronics 18 %D 2005 %I Springer Berlin Heidelberg %C Berlin, Heidelberg %@ 9783540283089 %G English %F 164524623X %O by Marian Mitescu, Ioan Susnea %X Resources of Microcontrollers -- Using the Digital I/O Lines -- Using the Asynchronous Serial Interface -- Using the Synchronous Serial Interface SPI -- Using The I2C Bus -- Using the MCU Timers -- Interfacing to Analog Signals -- Using the Internal EEPROM Memory -- HC11 Development Board -- AVR Development Board -- 8051 Development Board -- Digital Voltmeter with RS232 Interface -- Simple RS485 Network with Microcontrollers -- PI Temperature Controller -- Fuzzy Logic Temperature Controller -- Remote Relay Controller over Telephone Lines. %L ST 170 %K Chemistry %K Electronics %K Nanotechnology %K Microelectronics %K Engineering %9 Text %R 10.1007/3-540-28308-0 %U https://swbplus.bsz-bw.de/bsz264353374cov.jpg %U https://swbplus.bsz-bw.de/bsz120927497inh.htm %U https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-28308-0