%0 Book %T Lord Kelvin: his influence on electrical measurements and units %A Tunbridge, Paul %S IEE history of technology series 18 %D 1992 %I P. Peregrinus %C London, U.K %@ 0863412378 %G English %F 1099847508 %O Paul Tunbridge %O Includes bibliographical references and index %L 530.092 %K Kelvin %K William Thomson %K Baron %K 1824-1907 %K Physicists %K Great Britain %K Biography %K Physics %K Kelvin,Baron1824-1907 %K ElectricHistory %K PhysicistsGreatBiography %K Electric measurements - History %K Electric units - History %K Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron, 1824 - 1907 %K Physicists - Great Britain - Biography %9 Text %9 Biografie