%0 Book %T High speed rail and China's new economic geography: impact assessment from the regional science perspective %A Chen, Zhenhua %A Haynes, Kingsley E. %A Zhou, Yulong %A Dai, Zhaoxin %S New horizons in regional science %D 2019 %I Edward Elgar Publishing %C Cheltenham, UK %@ 9781785366031 %G English %F 1066738505 %O Zhenhua Chen (The Ohio State University, USA), Kingsley E. Haynes (George Mason University, USA) with Yulong Zhou (Nankai University, China), Zhaoxin Dai (Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping, China) %L ASIEN %K Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr %K Neue ökonomische Geographie %K Wirtschaftsgeographie %K China %9 Text %R 10.4337/9781785366048 %U https://doi.org/10.4337/9781785366048