@Book{278904157, author="{\.{E}}l'ja{\v{s}}evi{\v{c}}, Dmitrij A.", title="Dokumental'nye materialy po istorii evreev v archivach SNG i stran Baltii: predvaritel'nyj spisok archivnych fondov", year="1994", publisher="Akropol'", address="Sankt-Peterburg", note="sost. D. A. El'ja{\v{s}}evi{\v{c}}", note="In kyrill. Schr., russ. - Parallelsacht.: Documentary sources on Jewish history in the archives of the CIS and the Baltic states", note="Archivierung/Langzeitarchivierung gew{\"a}hrleistet SSG pdager DE-21", isbn="5865850237", language="Russian" }