@Book{1751141497, author="Cioar{\u{a}}-B{\^a}tc{\u{a}}, Maria", title="Zona etnografic{\u{a}} Teleorman", year="1985", publisher="Sport-Turism", address="București", keywords="Material culture; Romania; Teleorman; Manners and customs; Etnografie; Vie rurale ; Roumanie ; Teleorman; Teleormam (Roumanie) (R{\'e}gion) ; Civilisation; Ethnologie ; Roumanie ; Teleorman (R{\'e}gion); Teleorman (Romania); Social life and customs; Romania ; Teleorman; Teleorman ; Roumanie ; M{\oe}urs et coutumes", note="Maria Cioar{\u{a}}-B{\^a}tc{\u{a}}, Vlad B{\^a}tc{\u{a}} ; [referent științific, Nicolae Dun{\u{a}}re]", note="Summary in English, French, and German", note="Includes bibliographical references", language="Romanian" }