@Book{174384638X, author="{International Congress UMR 5136 Framespa/ICREFH, ICREFH (International Commission for Research into European Food History) 30th Anniversary 2019 Albi}", editor="Vabre, Sylvie and Bruegel, Martin and Atkins, Peter J.", title="Food history: a feast of the senses in Europe, 1750 to the present", series="Routledge studies in modern history", year="2021", publisher="Routledge, Taylor {\&} Francis Group", address="London", keywords="Food habits; Europe; History; Food; Sensory evaluation; Food industry and trade", note="edited by Sylvie Vabre, Martin Bruegel and Peter J. Atkins", note="Literaturangaben", note="ICREFH publications", note="Aus dem Vorwort: This volume is a result of ICREFH's 15th Symposium, A Feast of the Senses: European Food and History, from 18th tu 20th Century, organized in Albi (France)", isbn="9780367515584", language="English" }